Having never been involved with the marketing of watches, we have little understanding of the psychology of watch buying and ownership. Apparently it’s much to do with watches being a work of art. But when we see those remarkable – and frequent – colour supplements devoted to new watches more expensive than an agreeable new car, “the price of everything and the value of nothing” inevitably comes to mind.
Luckily for the watch market, our puzzlement and the fictitious Lord Darlington’s cynicism are of no consequence. For watches both new and collectable the market continues bullish.
Where To Sell currently lists 351 auction houses and dealers who are keen to hear from watch sellers, and they’re achieving serious prices. Recent major successes have been seen at Gardiner Houlgate (www.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk), McTears (www.mctears.co.uk), Great Western Auctions (www.greatwesternauctions.com), and Wright Marshall (www.wrightmarshall.co.uk).
So if you’ve been wondering about your Dad’s old Omega which is really not practical for everyday wear, perhaps it’s time to have a look at our Watches category (on our Make an Enquiry page) and have a word with your local valuer?