It seems that some of the categories on our “Make an enquiry” page are not known to everybody – which raises the amusing possibility that you might have a collectors’ item without being aware of its generic value.
For example – to you it’s just a wooden spoon, but once you know that it’s Treen . . .
Apparently from the Middle English meaning derived from or the plural of tree – so quite logical as a generic for articles made of wood especially for the kitchen or dining room (or perhaps that should be dining hall?), and other domestic items.
Treen tend to be small and for practical use rather than being merely ornamental, but intricate design and fabrication can be important criteria; in the UK, Tunbridge ware was an especially sophisticated development. As a category, Treen includes very pretty items such as wooden snuff boxes and items which could have been made of wood but incorporate material such as horn or ivory.
[ OK, you don’t have to tell us – we haven’t forgotten the Mekon. Yes, he was a Treen – but only by affinity (because he was the guv’nor); we don’t think he was a genuine member of the tribe, any more than the Treens were actually Venusians. If you wish to pursue this, try our Comics category. ]